Thursday, February 10, 2011

What Next

My son was shouting on me on the old 32 inches LCD TV we had, as he wanted to change it with the latest, some kind of 3D IsoLED TV; which was just launched and I considered it as waste of money. "It's still working fine" i said to him. "haah!! dad are you kidding i wonder you borrowed it from Adam and eve " my son said said sarcastically. "look how your son is talking to me." I said to my wife. "He get's the sarcasm from you only now face it. It's the way you used to talk ...".
I just went to flash back of my life when I joined IOCL in 2009. I was really happy that time because I got the highest pay package from my college. I was very eager to buy something from the salary. I also did the same thing as my son was doing now. I said to my father that I wanted to buy a new TV. Initially he didn't agree but later on I convinced him by arguments like latest technology, social status etc etc.(I'm very good in convincing people !! except my wife, the only time I convinced her was to marry me and afterwards she never believed me again.. ) at last we brought the new TV home. I was really happy that years of my Hard Work was finally paying off, On the same day I read it's complete manual and understood it's functions. and for a few days I taught my parents and siblings how to use that advanced technology TV. after a few more days I got the feeling that I was getting bored of that TV. Then, I thought "what next" , I was getting into the trap. I heard that MBAs were earning lot's of money so I thought of doing MBA so this was my "what next " aim for 2 years at the end of my 2nd year in MBA I got a heft pay package from one of the world's top financial companies. I had money and was least interested to invest so I had to spend. I saw around me most of my colleagues brought car. I told my father that I wanted to buy a car now. He insisted that buying a car at this early stage of career was not a good idea, but I was too desperate that I argued and finally brought the car. well it was a nice experience I was giving parties to my friends and colleagues going on long drives with my friends. With that I had developed another habit of going to malls with friends and spending lavishly, and when something become a habit you start getting bored of it. I was bored with the things I was doing, so I thought "what next". Then I thought I should marry so that when I'll found love of my life I'll be very happy. So I got married to the prettiest girl in whole town. I was very happy ,never had such nice feeling I was feeling like I am in heaven. We knotted all our dreams together and to turn them in reality we both started working hard . soon we were so habitual of each other that the excitement of being with each other was just taken for granted. I again asked my self, "dude what's next". This "what next" was getting over my head , my greeds were not satisfying . The more I received the more I wanted ; it's Human nature not my fault. We had 2 charming babies, everyone in the family was so happy. we used to love them so much.We also wanted them to achieve good in life, we were all full of thoughts like in which school they will go, how we will decorate their room an all. soon I realized that we needed a new and bigger house just to keep up with the social standards. so again we started working harder to have quick promotions and earn more money. I had enjoyed my family life very well .My son was among the most brilliant students in school and my daughter used to win lot's of prizes in arts and cultural competitions. soon I took these things taken for granted. and now when my son got a really high paying job and daughter was settled in US. I was once again very happy, but after that I asked my self again "what next". Today I'm a perfect example of this system, I've got a great job, all the luxuries of life , well settled children; what else a person needs ....
But I'm not yet satisfied, why , I should be happy for the things I have achieved cause I've achieved them better than other's & suddenly while writing this, I realized what my problem was , The greed, achieving something, comparing myself with others,bing better than others, maintaining social status. I forgot that happiness is not out side in worldly pleasures , it is inside one's self. I was living my life for reaching higher and higher, earning more and more. but I never really enjoyed my life.
"Is this life all about earning money ,getting higher and higher in social hierarchy ; "
I asked myself
No , certainly not, then what is life all about ? ?
life is about appreciating the first showers of season.
life is about smiling at your child's cutest mistake.
life is about looking at the innocence in a cute little puppy's eyes.
life is about kissing the water droplets on a flower.
life is not about surviving and running behind success but it's about happiness and satisfaction in one's inner self.
life is not about thinking of "what's next " but it's about enjoying "what's now".

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