Thursday, February 10, 2011

Diwali 2010

well i normally don't like to write bout my personal stuff but some days are nice..
and some are nice in a naughty way ,this diwali was kind of that naughty nice i thought about sharing it....

earlier in the morning i was doing my morning shift , yes in office on diwali seems weird but hey, that’s my life. so i’m really pissed of by the fact the on diwali i’m doing morning duty and on next day too i’ll have to do the morning duty so i hardly had 24 hrs to go to home celebrate diwali and come back , take the nap for the few minutes i get , drive back to office and join my duties.
7’o clock a life ... no no day saving call comes from my colleague , he say that he’ll do the morning duty at the other panel so that the person doing duty there can come and do the duty at my place.
great news , rite , time 8 :30 am again in a happy mood doing breakfast of pao bhaji ...

i love that dish even if it’s from the pretty much sucked up canteen. suddenly i feel like i’m going to vomit, so i stop eating and took long breath to calm myself down.
then i stood up to walk a few steps to relax my self , as i walk a few steps my feet start trembling , i start feeling numb and catch a chair nearby to hold on to. i fell on the ground but manage to sit back on the chair , my colleagues rush towards me and hold me so that i do not fall again now i’m completely numb and my hand and feet are completely cold. they call the ambulance and i keep on muttering that i’ll be ok just give me a dose of ors . but they are all freaked out and keep calling for a vehicle to take me to the hospital.

we first go to the first aid center i ask for checking my bp , the doctor checks it and says it’s normal i said “what normal”,

he replied it’s “110 -80”.

“you idiot, that’s not normal for me my normal is 140-110”, (you idiot phrase was in my mind only).
then we rush to the hospital , everybody at the hospital had been informed about my arrival so they are all ready with there tools ,
i see my manager and Senior manager waiting for me at the hospital’s gate with 2 doctors and 3 nurse , i have had never received that kind of welcome ever.

so first they take some blood for some tests give me some pills and i’m the center of attraction in the hospital , not something that i wanted.

my senior manager is angry on the bell boy because he asked me to walk in the ward’s room cause of uneven flooring, i remember hearing similar kind of voice in office with me at the receiving end.

then the nurse asked my to remove my shirt, this was new to me i didn’t know that they had other methods to please the patients , but it turned out she just wanted to take my ECG.

there is one thing in hospital that i’ve always been afraid of , when a needle is stuck in your arm and some kind of water is poured in your body through that , wonder wat kind of disgusting method of feeding people is this , there is something called mouth made for that , not a needle strictly not a needle.
i asked no not just asked i begged the doctor to not to stick that thing in my hand but he was like all ready to screw me up , it’s bad feeling really bad.
any way, my manager and SM keep on asking my if i still wanna go to rohtak, and my answer was “no matter what i’m gonna go” . latter on my DM also came and we had a nice chat. my SM was asking me if i had some mental problem which caused me High BP i said , sir it’s just the changing time of sleep , otherwise do you think i can have such thing , with my dimples and a smile on my face , no one can know ..
after some time when everyone left i called up a fren ….ya fine my crush (happy now.)
coz she was having cough and talked bout her well being, irony na, an idiot admitted in a hospital asking her crush if she was ok, that talk really boosted my energy level.
anyways i had to reach home any how for diwali
So i ask my DM that i have to leave plz arrange for my discharge,
and thankfully i’m free to go at 12:30 they gave me a few medicines and finally the needle stuck in my hand was removed it actually pained more while taking out than when it was inside.
so i’m outside township now i could have managed an ambulance but prefer a lift. my DM also called for a cab or a driver who could drive my to home, but it was diwali an he got no response,
so i reached refinery took my car and drove all the way to home.
i have really nice feeling , with sister and mummy preparing diyas and papa with his gold chain (which i brought for him) , first went to meet some local frenz , so i’m sitting in the stadium with them smoking, while in the morning i had a complete bottle of saline solution (through the needle ofcourse) then went back to home for puja , this time it was a bit different , as i was also the earning member of the family i was feeling even nicer than the previous diwalis.
then went to meet a senior, wished him diwali , and had a nice chat with him and a junior friend too.
then went back to home and went to the shop with papa, prayed that everything turnout out to be well. and while coming back papa dropped me at medical more where my frenz were waiting for me , papa as you know enquired about what we people would be doing so late , i said “ya ya we are going to drink daru , see the theka is also open ” while pointing towards any open theka,
he thought my lines to be sarcastic and said ok ok but dun be late.
now can anyone plz tell my father that i don’t lie to him.
so i went to frenz car , there was half bottle left of vodka and they all were full so ofcoz i had to drink that half , i poured it in a bottle of sprite with very few sprite left in it.
and we went to the medical canteen.

there started fagging again and order for paranthas and a dal frai (dal frai is really gud with drinks) as i was smokin and drinking from the sprite’s bottle i remebered the morning , an i was saying to myself , “manu you are an ass, you are an ass ” and takin a sip from the bottle and a spoon of dal frai and then repeating again , then at about 12 : 30 we went to home and went to sleep. the day was diwali and i had a lot in the day, from getting ill to drinkin again , from evils fag to praying the god , it was different it may not seem so but it was different.

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