Thursday, February 10, 2011

Reservation: A boon or a hindrance

reservation is a very good tool in democracy to motivate people mainly the minority groups or the underprivileged.
it was added in the indian democracy to uplift the poor and backward class in india at the time of independence and the earlier years after that.

let us just go into that time and analyse as a decision maker of that time. castism and communalism were very prominent at that time. the leaders of that time wanted to make sure an over all development of the nation in which no community is left behind.where riches don't get any benefit over poor. and the people of lower caste (as considered ) may not be blistered by people of supposedly higher castes. that is why they formulated a constitution which considers every person equal. but the situation of some communities were so dismal that they had to be provided with some special reservation just for the survival so that those communities could join hand in hand in nation's progress and enter into the mainstream. also it has been written in the same pages in constitution that after a certain period of time the benefit of these reservations may be reviewed and if it is found that the communities have been when adopted in main stream the special benefit given to them may be withdrawn as accordance with the constitution.

but these reviews are never done because of the cheap vote politics by the politicians. no party be it the one in power or in opposition because if they do so they will lose their vote bank.
I do not say that reservation is not important , it is very important to motivate the underprivileged for the one's who actually need it.

now the question is who actually need it. the answer may not be very simple to just divide people in religion or caste and decide that this and this caste needs reservation and this and this don't. may be i child of a rickshaw puller of a general caste may deserve some reservation owing to the fact that lack of money may not allow him to get to a good school or tution but a child of any IAS officer belonging some reserved caste may not need it because he'll be getting all the things he need to achieve success (be it a job or admission) , so if he can't get it i really don't think that he deserves any reservations at all.

now let us talk about the reservation about girls. well it is the mentality of most of the indian families (which is now changing fortunately) that why to spend so much amount of money on the study of the girl as she'll may and go to some other house. so parents may do some gender discrimination and spend more on the studies of the boy than the girl child. now if a girl utilizing much less resources that the boy child achieve say a little less child than him ,i think she deserves a little edge over the boy.

Introspection and the remedy for indian condition:
the reservation was much needed at the earlier days of our independence for the over all progress of our society if it had been executed properly. suppose a person belongs to the reserved class and gets a good job through that, assuming a gud job in officer grade in govt. he can provide all the necessities of life to his family. now technically he is not underprivileged neither his child will be , his child will get all the resources to study well and thus does not deserves the reservation and of course he'll be getting an edge over other children of his own community which may be deprived of the facilities. now this child will again make use of the reservation in getting admission and/or getting job so he is getting an unfair advantage not just over the children belong to the general category but to the children of his own community. and it becomes a cyclic process and the benefit of reservation is actually enjoyed by very few people of the reserved category who are already well established and never reaches the actual deprived ones. and this has resulted in a massive failure of the reservation system that even after 60 years it has not been able to serve it's purpose completely.
sorry for such a lengthy one. thnx for the read.

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