Thursday, February 10, 2011

The moral highland

since the day I started earning one thing keeps coming in my mind, how much a person needs to life his life happily. I see corruptions of thousands of crores of rupees (earlier it used to be of crores of rupees but now I guess the term is small) and wonder when does the human mind satisfies, if it ever does.
I remember a citation of a former CVC chief that people want to be rich be it any way, the moral side never turns up. Why this thing keep on repeating again and again, the people we choose always turn out to be leeches, is it true democracy, or do we need another revolution.
How can true democracy be justified with some earning in crores and some not getting two times of meal? It’s a shame on part of our democrats.
The power and money both are again concentrating in hands of a few people. The number of scams are rising with such a rate that it’s becoming difficult to keep the track of it.

I wonder where our society lacked in putting that small seed of morality in our minds. We had a separate subject of moral science in our earlier classes. Maybe we need to give those books to our leaders, may be the book of Geeta can help them.
It’s time that the youth of India realize the need of a country where

Morality is more important than Money.
Being Right is more important than Being Successful.
This will only bring the peace and harmony in the society.

Is it becoming a bit too serious? Let’s make it simple and a bit lighter and add a spice of humor in it
It doesn’t feel nice to give lecture to 60 years old respected people but they tend to forget that their time is coming, 70 years, 80 years with the well wishes of people (which I don’t think they are getting) not more than 85 years, just imagine a politician A with a scam of say 1 thousand crores (a very nominal amount these days) and aged 65 years. With an interest rate of 10 % he will get 100 crores per year as interest. Considering life expectancy of 85 years he has 20 years left to live. Considering he wishes to spend 50 % in his life and leave 50 % for his children. So he has 100 + 25 crores rupees for each year. With 365 days a year he has to spent about 34 lac rupees each day (34, 24,657.53 Rupees to be Exact).
Now, a 60 years old person!! Seriously, imagine a 60 year old person and give him 34 lac rupees and tell him to spend it in a day and do it for 20 years of his life. You will start having sympathy with him.

But we forgot the perks that the politician will be getting,
The scams and the corruption will surface one day or another.
The dishonor, the humiliation for the person and his family is sufficient to ruin anyone’s life. His 60 years of name and respect all gone.
Those 60 years old politicians will not see that because the Ego, the “self” part is so much dominant in those people that they will never let the morality part take over their greed.
It has to be US, the youth of India who need to build a better nation, to build a better future for us, for our children. We should realize that money isn’t a human need it is to fulfill human needs and there is a limit to it.
It’s not easy but it’s not impossible either.

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