Monday, February 28, 2011

The Tipping Point

today is 1st march and the temperature is 11 degree here in rohtak. 11 degree celcius is a bit of low in the month of march. The state has recently received rainfalls a few days ago which is extending the winter season and spoiling the crops. Add the point that the rainfall had a quite odd timing.
also I remember the maximum temperature in july month last year went upto 52 degree, and not to forget the crying for shortage of water in the earlier months of the summer season and saving ourselves from the floods in the latter half.Last year the world received 21 storms and 12 hurricanes a bit higher than the normal. The summers are approaching , I’m not a weather scientist but i can correctly predict that they will be more hot and humid from last year. The weather extremes are touching new highs by each coming year. I wonder if we have reached a tipping point in our environmental equilibrium. These extreme weathers, odd rainfalls and small shifting of weather may be the symbol of the tipping point,
but the question is, are we really listening to the earth’s cry or we will be like an ostrich, who doesn’t really face the trouble but hides his face from it.
Are we ready to make a few compromises to see a better future for our children.
Are we ready to live in harmony with our own environment.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Improvise: The reason , The Need

I can explain the lives of 99.99 % people on this earth in one line, here it is....
born,studied really hard ,went to college,got a nice job or started a business,earned money (more or less that depends on a person's perception), had sex, had kids , raised kids , raised grand kids , died.
but these 99.99% people are of no or little use for human civilization. it's the rest .01% of people because of whom the human civilization still exist or may exist in future.these people also do the things mention above but in addition they do one more thing improvise, yes the most important thing for the survival and growth of human civilization. just imagine one day before you die; think about your past what value you have added to human civilization. of-course it's your choice to be the part of the 99.99% or .01 % because you have to die for sure.

I'm adding two such videos that i really liked and wanted to share,
from the people who think out of box , who think differently , who improvise....

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Weekend

We are busy in our offices on the weekdays...too busy to do anything else.
so we leave all the other important stuff like shopping and going for a mall, or having dinner with our boss's or colleague's family on weekend. Or in short we plan our weekend. but have you ever realized that it becomes a liability to do the things that we have planned. So this weekend i decided to do some thing different, i decided to spend some time with me. i went to a field nearby and clicked a few shots. neither i'm a professional photographer nor i wish to be. but i like it, and just did that coz it pleases me. so take out time some weekend just for you, just for you.... and do some thing that pleases you, not because it's cool or your friends/boss/colleagues/GFz/wife will like....

an from my side... have a nice weekend

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The moral highland

since the day I started earning one thing keeps coming in my mind, how much a person needs to life his life happily. I see corruptions of thousands of crores of rupees (earlier it used to be of crores of rupees but now I guess the term is small) and wonder when does the human mind satisfies, if it ever does.
I remember a citation of a former CVC chief that people want to be rich be it any way, the moral side never turns up. Why this thing keep on repeating again and again, the people we choose always turn out to be leeches, is it true democracy, or do we need another revolution.
How can true democracy be justified with some earning in crores and some not getting two times of meal? It’s a shame on part of our democrats.
The power and money both are again concentrating in hands of a few people. The number of scams are rising with such a rate that it’s becoming difficult to keep the track of it.

I wonder where our society lacked in putting that small seed of morality in our minds. We had a separate subject of moral science in our earlier classes. Maybe we need to give those books to our leaders, may be the book of Geeta can help them.
It’s time that the youth of India realize the need of a country where

Morality is more important than Money.
Being Right is more important than Being Successful.
This will only bring the peace and harmony in the society.

Is it becoming a bit too serious? Let’s make it simple and a bit lighter and add a spice of humor in it
It doesn’t feel nice to give lecture to 60 years old respected people but they tend to forget that their time is coming, 70 years, 80 years with the well wishes of people (which I don’t think they are getting) not more than 85 years, just imagine a politician A with a scam of say 1 thousand crores (a very nominal amount these days) and aged 65 years. With an interest rate of 10 % he will get 100 crores per year as interest. Considering life expectancy of 85 years he has 20 years left to live. Considering he wishes to spend 50 % in his life and leave 50 % for his children. So he has 100 + 25 crores rupees for each year. With 365 days a year he has to spent about 34 lac rupees each day (34, 24,657.53 Rupees to be Exact).
Now, a 60 years old person!! Seriously, imagine a 60 year old person and give him 34 lac rupees and tell him to spend it in a day and do it for 20 years of his life. You will start having sympathy with him.

But we forgot the perks that the politician will be getting,
The scams and the corruption will surface one day or another.
The dishonor, the humiliation for the person and his family is sufficient to ruin anyone’s life. His 60 years of name and respect all gone.
Those 60 years old politicians will not see that because the Ego, the “self” part is so much dominant in those people that they will never let the morality part take over their greed.
It has to be US, the youth of India who need to build a better nation, to build a better future for us, for our children. We should realize that money isn’t a human need it is to fulfill human needs and there is a limit to it.
It’s not easy but it’s not impossible either.

Diwali 2010

well i normally don't like to write bout my personal stuff but some days are nice..
and some are nice in a naughty way ,this diwali was kind of that naughty nice i thought about sharing it....

earlier in the morning i was doing my morning shift , yes in office on diwali seems weird but hey, that’s my life. so i’m really pissed of by the fact the on diwali i’m doing morning duty and on next day too i’ll have to do the morning duty so i hardly had 24 hrs to go to home celebrate diwali and come back , take the nap for the few minutes i get , drive back to office and join my duties.
7’o clock a life ... no no day saving call comes from my colleague , he say that he’ll do the morning duty at the other panel so that the person doing duty there can come and do the duty at my place.
great news , rite , time 8 :30 am again in a happy mood doing breakfast of pao bhaji ...

i love that dish even if it’s from the pretty much sucked up canteen. suddenly i feel like i’m going to vomit, so i stop eating and took long breath to calm myself down.
then i stood up to walk a few steps to relax my self , as i walk a few steps my feet start trembling , i start feeling numb and catch a chair nearby to hold on to. i fell on the ground but manage to sit back on the chair , my colleagues rush towards me and hold me so that i do not fall again now i’m completely numb and my hand and feet are completely cold. they call the ambulance and i keep on muttering that i’ll be ok just give me a dose of ors . but they are all freaked out and keep calling for a vehicle to take me to the hospital.

we first go to the first aid center i ask for checking my bp , the doctor checks it and says it’s normal i said “what normal”,

he replied it’s “110 -80”.

“you idiot, that’s not normal for me my normal is 140-110”, (you idiot phrase was in my mind only).
then we rush to the hospital , everybody at the hospital had been informed about my arrival so they are all ready with there tools ,
i see my manager and Senior manager waiting for me at the hospital’s gate with 2 doctors and 3 nurse , i have had never received that kind of welcome ever.

so first they take some blood for some tests give me some pills and i’m the center of attraction in the hospital , not something that i wanted.

my senior manager is angry on the bell boy because he asked me to walk in the ward’s room cause of uneven flooring, i remember hearing similar kind of voice in office with me at the receiving end.

then the nurse asked my to remove my shirt, this was new to me i didn’t know that they had other methods to please the patients , but it turned out she just wanted to take my ECG.

there is one thing in hospital that i’ve always been afraid of , when a needle is stuck in your arm and some kind of water is poured in your body through that , wonder wat kind of disgusting method of feeding people is this , there is something called mouth made for that , not a needle strictly not a needle.
i asked no not just asked i begged the doctor to not to stick that thing in my hand but he was like all ready to screw me up , it’s bad feeling really bad.
any way, my manager and SM keep on asking my if i still wanna go to rohtak, and my answer was “no matter what i’m gonna go” . latter on my DM also came and we had a nice chat. my SM was asking me if i had some mental problem which caused me High BP i said , sir it’s just the changing time of sleep , otherwise do you think i can have such thing , with my dimples and a smile on my face , no one can know ..
after some time when everyone left i called up a fren ….ya fine my crush (happy now.)
coz she was having cough and talked bout her well being, irony na, an idiot admitted in a hospital asking her crush if she was ok, that talk really boosted my energy level.
anyways i had to reach home any how for diwali
So i ask my DM that i have to leave plz arrange for my discharge,
and thankfully i’m free to go at 12:30 they gave me a few medicines and finally the needle stuck in my hand was removed it actually pained more while taking out than when it was inside.
so i’m outside township now i could have managed an ambulance but prefer a lift. my DM also called for a cab or a driver who could drive my to home, but it was diwali an he got no response,
so i reached refinery took my car and drove all the way to home.
i have really nice feeling , with sister and mummy preparing diyas and papa with his gold chain (which i brought for him) , first went to meet some local frenz , so i’m sitting in the stadium with them smoking, while in the morning i had a complete bottle of saline solution (through the needle ofcourse) then went back to home for puja , this time it was a bit different , as i was also the earning member of the family i was feeling even nicer than the previous diwalis.
then went to meet a senior, wished him diwali , and had a nice chat with him and a junior friend too.
then went back to home and went to the shop with papa, prayed that everything turnout out to be well. and while coming back papa dropped me at medical more where my frenz were waiting for me , papa as you know enquired about what we people would be doing so late , i said “ya ya we are going to drink daru , see the theka is also open ” while pointing towards any open theka,
he thought my lines to be sarcastic and said ok ok but dun be late.
now can anyone plz tell my father that i don’t lie to him.
so i went to frenz car , there was half bottle left of vodka and they all were full so ofcoz i had to drink that half , i poured it in a bottle of sprite with very few sprite left in it.
and we went to the medical canteen.

there started fagging again and order for paranthas and a dal frai (dal frai is really gud with drinks) as i was smokin and drinking from the sprite’s bottle i remebered the morning , an i was saying to myself , “manu you are an ass, you are an ass ” and takin a sip from the bottle and a spoon of dal frai and then repeating again , then at about 12 : 30 we went to home and went to sleep. the day was diwali and i had a lot in the day, from getting ill to drinkin again , from evils fag to praying the god , it was different it may not seem so but it was different.

Reservation: A boon or a hindrance

reservation is a very good tool in democracy to motivate people mainly the minority groups or the underprivileged.
it was added in the indian democracy to uplift the poor and backward class in india at the time of independence and the earlier years after that.

let us just go into that time and analyse as a decision maker of that time. castism and communalism were very prominent at that time. the leaders of that time wanted to make sure an over all development of the nation in which no community is left behind.where riches don't get any benefit over poor. and the people of lower caste (as considered ) may not be blistered by people of supposedly higher castes. that is why they formulated a constitution which considers every person equal. but the situation of some communities were so dismal that they had to be provided with some special reservation just for the survival so that those communities could join hand in hand in nation's progress and enter into the mainstream. also it has been written in the same pages in constitution that after a certain period of time the benefit of these reservations may be reviewed and if it is found that the communities have been when adopted in main stream the special benefit given to them may be withdrawn as accordance with the constitution.

but these reviews are never done because of the cheap vote politics by the politicians. no party be it the one in power or in opposition because if they do so they will lose their vote bank.
I do not say that reservation is not important , it is very important to motivate the underprivileged for the one's who actually need it.

now the question is who actually need it. the answer may not be very simple to just divide people in religion or caste and decide that this and this caste needs reservation and this and this don't. may be i child of a rickshaw puller of a general caste may deserve some reservation owing to the fact that lack of money may not allow him to get to a good school or tution but a child of any IAS officer belonging some reserved caste may not need it because he'll be getting all the things he need to achieve success (be it a job or admission) , so if he can't get it i really don't think that he deserves any reservations at all.

now let us talk about the reservation about girls. well it is the mentality of most of the indian families (which is now changing fortunately) that why to spend so much amount of money on the study of the girl as she'll may and go to some other house. so parents may do some gender discrimination and spend more on the studies of the boy than the girl child. now if a girl utilizing much less resources that the boy child achieve say a little less child than him ,i think she deserves a little edge over the boy.

Introspection and the remedy for indian condition:
the reservation was much needed at the earlier days of our independence for the over all progress of our society if it had been executed properly. suppose a person belongs to the reserved class and gets a good job through that, assuming a gud job in officer grade in govt. he can provide all the necessities of life to his family. now technically he is not underprivileged neither his child will be , his child will get all the resources to study well and thus does not deserves the reservation and of course he'll be getting an edge over other children of his own community which may be deprived of the facilities. now this child will again make use of the reservation in getting admission and/or getting job so he is getting an unfair advantage not just over the children belong to the general category but to the children of his own community. and it becomes a cyclic process and the benefit of reservation is actually enjoyed by very few people of the reserved category who are already well established and never reaches the actual deprived ones. and this has resulted in a massive failure of the reservation system that even after 60 years it has not been able to serve it's purpose completely.
sorry for such a lengthy one. thnx for the read.

Human Devolution

The word may seem to be a little confusing, you might have heard about the words like evolution or revolution but what is this Devolution...??
"devolution", or backward evolution is the notion the species generally evolve into more "primitive" forms by losing adaptations no longer necessary in a new environment. According to this view, changes from one biome to another may usher in pressures to weed out an obsolete function which is no longer useful for survival after the transition.
So what do we mean by human devolution it must be something related to vestigial organs. No, this time we are talking about something big here. we are talking about losing the abilities that made us survive in this world.
In biology, evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. Though the changes produced in any one generation are small, differences accumulate with each generation and can, over time, cause substantial changes in the organisms and this process is happening all the time. So what are the changes we are having, we don't feel like there is any change. just look at the lives from 70-80 years from now and you will see the difference, in life style, in working habits and many more. industrial revolution helped man a lot by making the life easier for man but it also made him lazy. The discoveries of new medicine helped in curing diseases but it also made our immune system weak. These are very few examples of Human Devolution, may not be biologically now but the forth coming generations may have to face more serious consequences.The diseases allowed only the individual with the best genes to survive so that the body could become more and more resistant to the microbes.

New infectious diseases are now emerging at an exceptional rate, scientists have told a leading conference in St Louis, US.
Humans are accumulating new pathogens at a rate of one per year. "This accumulation of new pathogens has been going on for millennia - this is how we acquired TB, malaria, smallpox," said Professor Mark Woolhouse, an epidemiologist at the University Of Edinburgh, UK.
"But at the moment, this accumulation does seem to be happening very fast.
"So it seems there is something special about modern times - these are good times for pathogens to be invading the human population." Professor Woolhouse has catalogued more than 1,400 different agents of disease in humans; and every year, scientists are discovering one or two new ones. Changes in land use through, for example, deforestation can bring humans into contact with new pathogens; and, likewise, agricultural changes, such as the use of exotic livestock. Other important drivers include global travel, global trade and hospitalisation.
Another reason may be the weakened natural immune system of humans. Most of us are addicted to the medicine even for a normal cold we go to a doctor and take a pack of tablets, also people are too afraid to bear even small amount of pain and opt for diclofenac medicines. Pathogens are evolving ways to combat our control methods but are we??

No certainly not we are becoming more and more dependent on the external artificial medicinal therapy instead of strengthening our own natural immune system , let's leave things related to medicines here and discuss about human life style. The life is much more easier now with very less work to do, but our muscles are made to do work if they won't they will lose there functions like vestigial organs did. these may not give any significant effect in the genes for now but after a few generations it may make an impression of weak bones and muscles in the genetic code. At that time we might be very strong with all the technology, but we would be very weak and helpless with out these things.
living in Air Conditioners and using cars and bikes very extensively may make our life easy but the future generations may be too weak to face the sun's heat or walk a few miles on a hot sunny afternoon. The chances of our survival depends on how much we can be strong by ourselves not with the use of external artificial means.

Let's Say Thanks Today

we live our life with all the blaming and abuses, but today let's thank a few people just for a change...

let start from the moment we wake up. i am in the habit of reading newspaper early in the morning. I get quite irritated when i wake up an don't find the newspaper. but i never think of the newspaper guy who wakes up much earlier than me goes to the newspaper agency picks the paper and delivers to me. well that's a hell lot of work and important for a newspaper freak like me. so today let's thank the newspaper guy.

The second person i encounter is the kudewalla at my house. he rings the bell a shouts "kudda de do..." it's kinda annoying when you are reading what's going across the globe and suddenly hear his harsh voice, but then i think what if he dosen't come one day , well he does that twice in a year or so and belive me on the next day when he comes and shouts even his harsh voice feels pertty sweet. he takes all the trash from the house and dumps in the municipal dustbin nearly 1 or 2 miles away from my home. and he does that just for a rupee per day. just imagine how much we value a rupee in this 21th centuary.I think he surely ows a thanks from me.
The next person i notice is our "kaam wali bai" aka "amma". amma usually comes early in the morning at home but if you are hearing my mother yelling to the wall of a room or to us then it means that she is late.
and the my mother gives a whole my lecture on using less utensils. when amma arrives at home i thank her (just in my mind). first she cleans the whole house i think here a short note is necessary : it's said that cleanliness is next to god and also if your surroundings are clean and beautiful that improve your productivity. after this i think i must thank amma for keeping my home clean.
In metro cities there is another person you cannot live without, he fulfills one of your basic needs. He is your "paniwala bhaiya" he proides you with fresh drinking water. the next time he bring water to your home don't forget to say thanks to him.

Now let's talk about one person who does toughest of jobs in his way. your mail delivery man aka postman bhaiya, you might think what he does he just needs to bring the mails from the post office to my home that's not a tough job. well actually he does that in a temprature as high as 48 degrees and as low as -10 degrees. In a hot afternoon of july i recieved a very important mail at my door step. At the time you can't even think about stepping outside your house that person is delivering letters because it might be important to someone. I regert that day the most coz i couldn't say thanks to him or offer him a glass of water. so the nest time you recieve a letter politely say thanks to him once in a while. And yes offer him a glass of water on a hot summer afternoon. because if he goes down because of dehyration you will be the one in trouble with out your letters. atleast do it once and that person will remember it for years to come.
And the last but very important person for your professional life, no it's not your boss its your dhobi aka presswala. every morning my father tell me to go to him and collect clothes for office. again in the month of july when we cant even bear the hot winds, that person holds a hot burning coal iron in his hand just to give my father a fully creased cotton shirts, that adds a lot to my father's personallity. he actully does out of turn ironing to our clothes when we are in a hurry. But we never thanked him. But every time i wear a creased shirt or suit i feel thankfull to that person. And tomorow i'm gonna say thanks to him too.
and I hope that after reading this you will also go to the people that help you so much in improving your life and just say a simple word "thanks" and you know the best part, it costs nothing.
so thanks in advance from me :)
manu khurana

What Next

My son was shouting on me on the old 32 inches LCD TV we had, as he wanted to change it with the latest, some kind of 3D IsoLED TV; which was just launched and I considered it as waste of money. "It's still working fine" i said to him. "haah!! dad are you kidding i wonder you borrowed it from Adam and eve " my son said said sarcastically. "look how your son is talking to me." I said to my wife. "He get's the sarcasm from you only now face it. It's the way you used to talk ...".
I just went to flash back of my life when I joined IOCL in 2009. I was really happy that time because I got the highest pay package from my college. I was very eager to buy something from the salary. I also did the same thing as my son was doing now. I said to my father that I wanted to buy a new TV. Initially he didn't agree but later on I convinced him by arguments like latest technology, social status etc etc.(I'm very good in convincing people !! except my wife, the only time I convinced her was to marry me and afterwards she never believed me again.. ) at last we brought the new TV home. I was really happy that years of my Hard Work was finally paying off, On the same day I read it's complete manual and understood it's functions. and for a few days I taught my parents and siblings how to use that advanced technology TV. after a few more days I got the feeling that I was getting bored of that TV. Then, I thought "what next" , I was getting into the trap. I heard that MBAs were earning lot's of money so I thought of doing MBA so this was my "what next " aim for 2 years at the end of my 2nd year in MBA I got a heft pay package from one of the world's top financial companies. I had money and was least interested to invest so I had to spend. I saw around me most of my colleagues brought car. I told my father that I wanted to buy a car now. He insisted that buying a car at this early stage of career was not a good idea, but I was too desperate that I argued and finally brought the car. well it was a nice experience I was giving parties to my friends and colleagues going on long drives with my friends. With that I had developed another habit of going to malls with friends and spending lavishly, and when something become a habit you start getting bored of it. I was bored with the things I was doing, so I thought "what next". Then I thought I should marry so that when I'll found love of my life I'll be very happy. So I got married to the prettiest girl in whole town. I was very happy ,never had such nice feeling I was feeling like I am in heaven. We knotted all our dreams together and to turn them in reality we both started working hard . soon we were so habitual of each other that the excitement of being with each other was just taken for granted. I again asked my self, "dude what's next". This "what next" was getting over my head , my greeds were not satisfying . The more I received the more I wanted ; it's Human nature not my fault. We had 2 charming babies, everyone in the family was so happy. we used to love them so much.We also wanted them to achieve good in life, we were all full of thoughts like in which school they will go, how we will decorate their room an all. soon I realized that we needed a new and bigger house just to keep up with the social standards. so again we started working harder to have quick promotions and earn more money. I had enjoyed my family life very well .My son was among the most brilliant students in school and my daughter used to win lot's of prizes in arts and cultural competitions. soon I took these things taken for granted. and now when my son got a really high paying job and daughter was settled in US. I was once again very happy, but after that I asked my self again "what next". Today I'm a perfect example of this system, I've got a great job, all the luxuries of life , well settled children; what else a person needs ....
But I'm not yet satisfied, why , I should be happy for the things I have achieved cause I've achieved them better than other's & suddenly while writing this, I realized what my problem was , The greed, achieving something, comparing myself with others,bing better than others, maintaining social status. I forgot that happiness is not out side in worldly pleasures , it is inside one's self. I was living my life for reaching higher and higher, earning more and more. but I never really enjoyed my life.
"Is this life all about earning money ,getting higher and higher in social hierarchy ; "
I asked myself
No , certainly not, then what is life all about ? ?
life is about appreciating the first showers of season.
life is about smiling at your child's cutest mistake.
life is about looking at the innocence in a cute little puppy's eyes.
life is about kissing the water droplets on a flower.
life is not about surviving and running behind success but it's about happiness and satisfaction in one's inner self.
life is not about thinking of "what's next " but it's about enjoying "what's now".


Improvisation is the practice of acting, singing, talking and reacting, of making and creating, in the moment and in response to the stimulus of one's immediate environment and inner feelings. This can result in the invention of new thought patterns, new practices, new structures or symbols, and/or new ways to act. This invention cycle occurs most effectively when the practitioner has a thorough intuitive and technical understanding of the necessary skills and concerns within the improvised domain. Improvisation can be thought of as an "on the spot" or "off the cuff" spontaneous activity.
The skills of improvisation can apply to many different abilities or forms of communication and expression across all artistic, scientific, physical, cognitive, academic, and non-academic disciplines. For example, improvisation can make a significant contribution in music, dance, cooking, presenting a speech, sales, personal or romantic relationships, sports, flower arranging, martial arts, psychotherapy, and much more.
courtesy Wikipedia,

improvisation , the most important aspect of human race, we have survived so far because we have improvised and the hope of the future of human civilization lies in improvisation only.

The Begining

started a blog again, coz felt like sharing my view again with people, will write as and when i feel like. will add a few of my drafts for now which have been on the web or in my monthly in-house magazine.