Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Instant White Glow secrets

Instant White Glow. 

I couldn't believe that the secret could be so simple, this thing competes and wins against all most all the skin whitening products. since the 19th century a craze has been there for getting a youthful glowing skin.

The above para is for all of you 'white' crazy people to open this page and open your eyes too.
so back to where we were, In early 20th century Europe was crazy about glowing beauty, literally 'glowing '.  To prove my point, here is an ad of a beauty product containing Radium to make your skin radiant.

I hope I'm not being too subtle, but for the one's with an IQ lower than 100, if you look at the upper right corner, The ad dates back to 1918.
 Ms Curie discovered radium in 1898 and even after 20 years of it's discovery all it's effects on human body were unknown. 
If you read the ad carefully, they are giving 5000$ guarantee for it's effectiveness. 
It will keep you young till you die, coz after using it very soon you will.

At that time no one thought about the ill effects of radium, and for marketing companies it was something shiny which could be sold, with fake promises and lies. 
I wonder how many would have died after using expensive poisons like this.

People did learn some lesson from it and were diverted towards products that were obtained from nature to some extent. 
coming to the early 21th century once again  instant white, instant glow, special cream for men etc etc ... the list goes on. 
But we still don't know what are going to be the long term effects of these products. 
yes they may contain vitamin B,C,D,  minerals etc etc. But in Excess even sugar rots your teeth.
we don't know how much quantity is good for us and how much will do us harm. 
Chloroform in limited quantity works as anesthetic but in excess may lead to death.

All I want to say is that no one is going to sell you a skin glowing or skin cleaning cream because they are so concerned about health of your skin, all they want is a share of your pocket. so be aware and be vigilant, and don't fall prey to these marketing hoaxes. 

But in today's age of pollution you may say that some skin nourishment is important, but for that nature has blessed us with immense amount of natural cleansers and skin nourishment products. Your skin should glow not with pale whiteness but with natural tone of your skin.
The old dadi nani's secret recipes always work. 
The 'Multani' or 'gachi' mitti cools the skin like nothing else can. 
 dried orange peel, Gulab jal, cream, honey, cucumber, turmeric etc etc ...   
They all are available in nature's stabilized form, and have been used and observed from ages.

and the best one is your smile, .... always works. 

Have a happy n Healthy life... :)  

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