Tuesday, October 9, 2012


just heard the news of another rape in haryana. was shocked and terrified with the increasing number of such heinous crime in our ‘desha me desh’ haryana. Already facing with a skewed sex ratio of 830 girls for 1000 boys, such incidences will only severe the already reducing number of girls in state.if the state cannot ensure the safety of girls infanticides will increase, further deteriorating the situation. Already cases have been found where girls are sold from other states and brought to haryana for marriage.
I feel sorry to live in a society which thinks that the solution to this problem is early marriage, so that their children don’t stray. 

I wonder what the parents of a girl child think every day, ‘will she return back to home safely today or will her soul be torn off by some street dogs. ‘
I am sorry if i’m disrespecting any animal because even animals seek their partners’ permission before mating.
but some parents are too weak to live everyday like this and prefer sacrificing their daughter, the innocent one just to make their own life a bit easier in this world.
In NCR region, some self proclaimed moral authorities attributed rape cases with the way girls dress. I wonder what exhibition of skin was done by the girls wearing salwar kameez in the humble background of village.
why can’t we accept that those evil creatures don’t see anything else but lust in their eyes. And they do exist and exist amongst our own society. we may have reached the moon but we certainly aren’t civilised yet.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

want to be a child again, when the life was simple. when the life was about which choclate to buy or which cartoon to watch or whether to study for the exam next day or play cricket with your mates in park. and you know what was the good thing about those days, I always chose to play cricket instead of studying and still managed to get decent grades because I was happy. That feeling of happiness gave me enough positive energy to do good in my exams too. as we grow old, things start becoming complex, in hiding your emotions in front of others you actually forget your true emotions. In completing other’s expectations we actually forget what we expect from ourselves. In short we become what others want us to be, forgetting who we actually are. May be that is the reason of my frustration, and writing about this seems to be a nice way to ventilate that frustration. 

I remember the days in our old home when I used to stand on a 4 inch thick wall and walk on it without caring that how much I’ll get hurt if I fall from it. but now I can’t do it. coz i’m too afraid of the consequences or the dangers it offers. and I’m forbidding myself from the feeling of adventure just because of a possibility of danger. This is called being grown up.that's it for now . tc.